![]() Mission Statement:"To advance through research, education and symposia, an increased public awareness of the Cape Fear region's unique history." |
![]() Confederate Major Bernard’s Wilmington Star NewspaperMajor William Henry Bernard
Author James Sprunt writes in his “Chronicles of the Cape Fear” that Wilmington’s “Morning Star” is the oldest daily newspaper in North Carolina, founded on September 23, 1867 by Major William Henry Bernard, formerly of the First North Carolina Volunteer Regiment, also known as the famed “Bethel Regiment.” Bernard was born in Petersburg, Virginia on January 1, 1837, the son of Peter Dudley Bernard who edited and published the “Southern Planter.” Peter’s father, William’s grandfather, fought under Washington during the Revolution and died of wounds received at the battle of Brandywine. While attending Richmond College, William was one of the editors of “The Star,” a publication of the Mu Sigma Rho Society. William relocated to Texas in 1855 to study law under William Stedman, formerly of Chatham County, North Carolina. He married Maggie Stedman of Fayetteville in 1859, left for Helena, Arkansas where he remained until the outbreak of war in 1861; though politically a Whig and against the secession of North Carolina, he sided with his people against a coercive federal government. Bernard returned to Fayetteville to enlist on April 17, 1861 for six months at age twenty-four in Company H, First Regiment, North Carolina Volunteers. William joined the men of Company H, all members of the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry (FILI) under the command of Capt. Wright Huske, and sent in May 1861 to Virginia where they fought at the Battle of Big Bethel on June 10. Afterward the First Regiment marched back to Yorktown where it went to work on fortifications. In early September the unit established “Camp Fayetteville” nearby in honor of the ladies of that town who had crafted a regimental flag inscribed with the word “Bethel” and presented it to the regiment on September 9, 1861. Thus the unit became known as the "Bethel Regiment." Bernard served as a private along with Charles M. Stedman, who both attained the rank of major, and was later discharged for infirmity and returned to Fayetteville to work at the “Presbyterian” and the “Daily Telegraph” until the end of the war in 1865. Bernard’s military career and promotion to the rank of major after his initial service with the FILI is unclear – it is recorded that he was discharged September 17, 1861. In 1867, Major Bernard left Fayetteville to found the “Wilmington Dispatch” with Col. John D. Barry, a Wilmington native and commander of the Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment during the war. Col. Barry’s grandfather was Gen. Thomas Owen and his great uncle was North Carolina Governor James Owen. Their Dispatch office was located on Market Street’s south side between Front and Second Street though their partnership lasted only a few months.
Col. John D. Barry Bernard continued as an independent job-printing concern and Barry was sole editor of the newspaper, which was published for another three years before ceasing operations. As noted above, Major Bernard began publication of the “Star” in later September 1867, first as an evening edition though soon converting to the “Morning Star.” His office was on Water Street between Market and Dock Street, then shortly after relocated to nearby Custom House Alley where he published until 1876. In that year the “Star” moved to 10 and 11 Princess Street, a former location of an old inn. Also beginning editions in late 1867 was the Republican paper, the Wilmington Post, which the editor expected to be successful given the party support given by the dominant black population. The Republican party had to subsidize the paper for its first three years as only one-quarter of the black residents were literate and could read, and had no businesses to advertise in the paper. Further, internal Republican politics further hurt the paper as black residents demanded the removal of editor Charles I. Grady in 1870, who they accused of being “anti-Negro.” The Star of Major Bernard covered the rise of the Ku Klux Klan which had organized in Wilmington in early 1868 as a response to the Radical Republican “Union League” which was used to encourage black votes for Republicans and intimidate white voters. In its April 3, 1868 issue “the Star announced that some five hundred people had called by its offices to view the Ku Klux Klan drinking cup that was on display there. It described the cup as being made from a human skull “elegantly set in lead” [Evans, pg. 100). The purpose of the cup exhibit may have been to alert local black Republicans to the presence of the Klan organization in Wilmington. Apparently, the Klan career in Wilmington was short and by the end of April 1868 roving bands of armed blacks “by means of a noisy barrage of gunfire” served notice of their intent to control the polls. That this armed intimidation was successful is indicated by the Republicans then-carrying the city by a two to one margin, and won four of seven counties on the lower Cape Fear. The editorials of the Star were condescending toward the increasingly egalitarian postwar politics in the city, disdainfully characterizing “the people” as “the great unwashed, who for a few days since, assembled in convention amid the sands of Dry Pond,” where they had nominated their candidates. Dry Pond was a notoriously poor area of Wilmington populated by blacks and working-class whites. Politically active in the Democratic party, though never seeking office himself, for twenty-seven years Major Bernard served as a member of that party’s Executive Committee of North Carolina, and also as a member of the Advisory Committee of the State party. During his forty years of editorship he wrote daily columns concerning important issues of the day and wielded considerable influence in the State. He was a severe and bitter critic of Reconstruction and Republican political corruption in North Carolina. Critical of the Republican ticket for city aldermen in mid-May 1868, the Star editorialized that some of the candidates were said to be “Radical enough to eat snake-root,” though most were “disposed to be conservative (observe, please, we don’t use a capital C).” Bernard supported Col. Alfred Moore Waddell’s successful candidacy for the United States Congress in 1870, and managed his reelection campaign in 1874. In 1891 Bernard managed the North Carolina Senate campaign of John D. Bellamy, Jr., who was elected and served 1891-1892. Bellamy went on to serve as United States Congressman 1899-1903 with the support of Major Bernard’s newspaper and influence.
Col. Alfred Moore Waddell Major Bernard’s newspaper was listed as one of the subscribers to the Associate Press network of newspaper after 1893. Before the old Illinois Associated Press Corporation began operations on January 1, 1893, local papers which received AP service belonged to a group called the Southern Associated Press, one of seven regional groups which swapped news and did other business with the original New York Associated Press, founded in 1848. While it seems impossible to say which local papers received the Southern AP news, they must have been the same ones, substantially, which received reports from the Illinois AP after 1893: Asheville Citizen, Charlotte Observer, News and Observer, Wilmington Star, Wilmington Messenger, and Winston-Salem Journal.” (Stem, Jr., pp. 160-161) Wilmington's racially-polarized political climate of the mid-1890s saw the “Star” actively promoting the Democratic party in its campaign to oppose the Fusion government of Populists and Republicans. Fusion-Governor Daniel Russell used his patronage powers extensively which allowed him to appoint five of the ten city aldermen in Wilmington. “[The] Morning Star . . . persistently attacked Wilmington city officials, charging blacks and Republicans with incompetence, venality, and insolence to whites, especially to white women” (Steelman, pg. 75) In supporting the Democratic party “white supremacy” campaign, Major Bernard’s “Star” headlined its August 25, 1898 edition with “Riotous Negroes! Threatening Demonstration by a Mob Last Night on Princess Street. No Known Cause for it. Angry Mutterings Against the whites – Police Inefficient or Indifferent – Finally Persuaded the Angry Mob to Disperse.” For the same purpose of inflaming white residents, from September 23 through November 7 the “Star” reprinted “the inflammatory portions of [black Daily Record editor Alexander] Manly’s editorial in a prominent place” in its pages. “The paper also printed daily in conjunction with the Manly editorial the story of an alleged rape attempt by two black boys of a fifteen-year-old white girl.”(McDuffie, pg. 603) As the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce supported and promoted the “white supremacy campaign” of the Democratic party, it developed resolutions, which the “Star” printed on 7 October 1898, holding that the Fusion city and county government was a “menace to the peace and order of the community,” and “arrests enterprise, hampers commerce, and repels investment.” The resolution continued that good civic order “was not possible under government by the present political regime, whose existence and power are predicated on the blind adherence of the Negro element of our population.” (McDuffie, pg. 623) In the 9th of October’s edition of the “Star,” it had been discovered that New Hanover County Republican Executive Committee chair William Lee, a black man, had tried to secretly purchase rifles from the Winchester Arms Company with which to arm black residents. Raising the alarm, Major Bernard’s front page was emblazoned with “The Wilmington Negroes are Trying to Buy Guns.” (McDuffie, pp. 625-626) Major Bernard provided a report of the conflict in Wilmington to the Fayetteville Observer on November 10, 1898: “As a result of the rioting in the First Ward, Brooklyn, about 11:30AM, William Mayo, a well-known and popular young man, was fatally-wounded and George Piner was wounded in the side. Albert Chadwick was wounded in the arm, all white.
Four Negroes were killed and one wounded. A representative of the Associated Press has seen a statement sworn to be by a notary public from a reputable citizen in which it is particularly stated that the first shot was fired by a Negro. (signed) Bernard.” [Editor's note: William Mayo recovered from his wounds.] The “Star” reported on November 13, 1898 that “the streets of Wilmington will be patrolled by military until Monday night, although a normal quietude already reigns. The Aldermen have ordained that the bar-rooms shall continue closed until noon Wednesday. They have not been open since Saturday, the 5th instant. Mayor [Alfred Moore] Waddell today sent a number of well-known Negroes through the woods adjacent to the city to reassure the hundreds of Negroes hiding . . . [that] they will not be harmed if they go quietly about their work and maintain an inoffensive deportment.” (Reaves, pg. 254) The “Star” of that day also reported the “lists of fatalities so far reported to the Coroner, as a result of the Brooklyn fight between the whites and blacks, has reached the number of seven. The dead (all Negroes) are Josh Halsey, Daniel Wright, William Mouzon, John L. Gregory, John L. Townsend, Silas Brown (alias Charles Lindsey)and Sam McFarland.” (Reaves, pg. 254). The “Star” covered the trial of Thomas Lane on November 15, 1898, a black man accused of firing into the Wilmington Light Infantry (WLI) from 411 Harnett Street. From eyewitness accounts, this is the firing which triggered the violence. The paper stated that two black witnesses corroborated the testimony of the WLI men. Major Bernard subsequently wrote “Had not the Negro [Thomas] Lane not fired into the military it would not have been necessary for them to have shot John Halsey, a Negro occupant of the place, who was killed as a sequel to Lane’s fiendish effort to kill one of the members of the Light Infantry, who were on their way to disperse a mob gathered on Ninth Street.” It is noteworthy that three other black men captured along with Lane at that house were released for lack of evidence against them. (Wilmington Star, November 16, 1898. In 1909, at the age of 72, Major Bernard sold the “Morning Star” to the “Wilmington Star Company, Inc.”, “the incorporators being James Sprunt, Henry C. McQueen, M.J. Corbett, Col. Walker Taylor, D.C. Love, C.W. Yates, William H. Sprunt, Capt. John W. Harper, J.A. Springer, W.E. Springer, James H. Chadbourn, James H. Carr, Joseph H. Thompson, Major William H. Bernard, and his son William Stedman Bernard.” For sentimental reasons the major and his son retained a minor interest in the new corporate ownership.
Col. Walker Taylor Several of the incorporators were veterans or sons of veterans of North Carolina regiments, and in the case of James Sprunt, a purser on blockade runners. In that year the office of the “Morning Star” and printing press were moved to the Orton Building on Front Street near Chestnut – and by 1913 the paper had not only doubled its circulation but also gained readership in nearby counties and upper South Carolina. As a fine example of responsible journalism and local control of the newspaper and content, Sprunt writes that the paper devoted its energies “to the educational and moral advancement of the community, to advocacy of a commission form of government, enforcement of law, and the general upbuilding of the community.” In 1914, the newspaper was moved to its own building on Chestnut Street between Front and Second Street, the current site of the Copper Penny pub. Major Bernard passed away on February 19, 1918 and was buried in Wilmington’s Oakdale Cemetery. The Morning Star was acquired by the R.W. Page Corporation of Columbus, Georgia; two years later the same company purchased the afternoon-daily Wilmington News-Dispatch. At the end of September 1929, a combined morning and afternoon Sunday edition appeared and entitled the “Sunday Star News.” The corporation sold the News-Dispatch, Star, and Sunday Star-News to R.W. Page in 1940 and combined the three into the Star News Corporation. Until his death in early 1955, Mr. Page served as president and publisher of this newspaper corporation. Son Rye B. Page assumed control of the family-owned corporation for twenty years, and in 1975 it was sold to the New York Times Company. The ownership of Wilmington’s local paper by outside interests affected the city and region in ways never envisioned by Major Bernard, and which he would have certainly opposed. The only notable contribution of the Star News to journalism after Major Bernard’s time was the hiring of young Wilmington native David Brinkley as a reporter in 1938. In 1940 he went on to a national career with Chet Huntley and NBC News, and subsequently ABC News. Today, the current incarnation of Major Bernard’s “Star” has lost considerable circulation and influence and was sold by the New York Times Corporation in 2011 to Halifax Media, then to New Media Investment in 2014.
Sources: Chronicles of the Cape Fear, Sprunt, Edwards & Broughton, 1916 Politics in Wilmington & New Hanover County, 1865-1900, McDuffie, Kent State PhD Dissertation, 1979 The Tar Heel Press, Thad Stem, Jr., NC Press Association, 1973 Black, White & Gray, Bennett L. Steelman, NC Literary Review, Vol. II, No. 1, Spring 1994 North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865, A Roster, Louis H. Manarin, NCDA&H, 1971 NCpedia
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