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Major-General William Wing LoringWilmington Native and Accomplished Soldier Cape Fear Historical Institute Papers
Major-General William Wing Loring William Wing Loring General Loring, born in Wilmington, North Carolina on December 4, 1818, was an American military officer who served in the forces of the United States, Confederate States and Egypt. He was a born military man who ran off to fight Indians at age fourteen, became a Florida legislator, Indian fighter in the West, sent by the War Department to study European armies, fought in the Western Theater of the Civil War, and afterward, became Pasha Loring organizing the Egyptian Khedive’s army. He was the second son born to Reuben and Hannah Loring, married at Wilmington on May 18, 1812. William Wing was the fifth grandson of New England pioneer Deacon Thomas Loring of the original Plymouth Colony. After his fourth birthday in Wilmington, his family moved to St. Augustine, now located in the Florida Territory acquired from Spain. At the age of fourteen he began his long military career fighting Seminoles with the Florida Militia. Three years later, Loring headed for Texas to join the struggle for independence, but returned when his father came to retrieve him. He once again went off fighting the Seminoles, and was soon promoted to second lieutenant of militia. He then was sent to boarding school in Virginia and attended Georgetown College in Virginia for one year, 1839-1840. Returning to Florida, he read law in Judge Robert R. Reid’s office and was admitted to the bar in 1842. A year later Loring was elected to the Florida House of Representatives, serving 1843-1845, the latter the year Florida was admitted to the American Union. In 1845 Loring ran unsuccessfully as a candidate for Florida’s Senate. Seeking adventure, Loring joined the US Army’s newly-formed Regiment of Mounted Rifles in 1846 which was created to protect the Oregon Territory and promoted to the rank of major. Sent shortly afterward to Texas after war began with Mexico, his regiment fought in nearly all engagements, and was wounded three times. While leading a charge at Mexico City, Loring’s left arm was shattered, and later amputated. During that conflict he received two brevet promotions for bravery, one to lieutenant-colonel and the other to the rank of colonel. Brevet means one attains the insignia and prestige, but not the pay of the rank. Remaining in the West, Brevet Col. Loring was ordered in May 1849 to lead a train of civilians and 600 mule teams the 2000 miles, a five month trek, from Missouri to Oregon, and take command of the Territory. Arriving in September, the historic march accomplished what General Winfield Scott and the War Department wanted -- the establishment of several trail stations for later emigrants, protected by cavalry garrisons to ward off Indian attacks. Col. Loring’s command at Oregon City lasted for two years, then was transfered to oversee frontier Forts Ewell, McIntosh and Union for five years and promoted to full colonel in December 1856. During this frontier assignment he fought many engagements with Comanches, Apaches and Kiowas – and Mormons in Utah -- and at the age of only 38, was the youngest colonel in the US Army. During this time Col. Loring’s command received 25 camels from Jefferson Davis’ US War Department, thought to be a logistical answer to the problem of moving supplies over great distances with little food or water needed. In 1859 he was selected to study European military tactics with other American officers, especially those employed during the recent Crimean War. While there he travelled extensively, visiting England, France, Sweden, Prussia, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Russia, Turkey and Egypt. In 1861 Colonel Loring was stationed in New Mexico, and resigning his US Army commission on May 13, 1861. He told his officers “the South is my home and I am going to throw up my commission and shall join the Southern Army, and each of you can do as you think best.” Offering his services to the Confederate government, Loring was given command of the Army of the Northwest with the rank of brigadier-general. With this command, General Loring participated in western Virginia’s late 1861 skirmishes, while training new soldiers to meet the Northern invasion. At the time, Brigadier-General Loring outranked Robert E. Lee who was there as an observer from Richmond. At the battle of Cheat Mountain, Loring acquired the nickname “Old Blizzards” for the loud cheers to his men, “Give them blizzards” meaning intense musket firing. After the unsuccessful attempt to drive the invaders from western Virginia, Gen. Loring and his force joined Gen. Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley.
After a tumultuous relationship with Jackson, Loring was transferred first to southwestern Virginia, then to the West in October 1862 and under the successive commands of Generals Pemberton, Johnston and Polk. After Gen. Leonidas Polk was killed near Atlanta in June 1864, Loring was promoted to command of the Army of Mississippi and the rank of major-general. He led his army in the battles of Champion Hill, Jackson, Mississippi, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kennesaw Mountain, Peachtree Creek, Ezra Church, Franklin, and Nashville. With the remnants of Hood’s army, Gen. Loring and his men marched eastward to North Carolina to the battle of Bentonville, before being surrendered by Gen. Joe Johnston at Durham. Egyptian Service Being out of a military career and no prospects for him in the United States, Gen. Loring joined about fifty Southern and Northern veterans recommended to the Ismail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt by Gen. William Sherman. Concerned about his aggressive neighbors, the Khedive wished to modernize his army and utilize the knowledge of American officers. Beginning a nine-year career with the Khedive, Gen. Loring was appointed Inspector General to review the army and offer recommendations on contemporary strategies, weapons and equipment. In 1878, former President Grant toured Egypt and met Gen. Loring at the Great Pyramids, both had not seen each other since the taking of Mexico City at Garita de Belen where Loring lost an arm. Initially assigned to coastal defense and fortifications, Gen. Loring -- then holding the rank of Fereek Pasha, or major-general -- was named chief of staff to a former slave of the late Said Pawshar, viceroy of Egypt, who held negligible military experience. The Egyptian-Ethiopian War ended in disaster with the American advisors blamed for the defeat. In 1878, the American officers were dismissed when the Khedive’s European bondholders, with their own interest in petroleum dominance, demanded a reduction of the Egyptian army. For his military service to the Khedive, Gen. Loring was decorated with the Egyptian Orders of Osmanli and Medjidie. Returning to Florida where he ran unsuccessfully for the US Senate, Gen. Loring moved to New York City to work on his autobiography, “A Confederate Soldier in Egypt,” published in 1884. He died on December 30, 1886, with Charles Chaille-Long, his aide-de-camp in Egypt, at his side. Gen. Loring's ashes were interred at Grace Episcopal Church in New York City, Rev. Dr. William Reed Huntington officiating. Gen. Loring’s obituary made headlines across the country. A lifelong bachelor, Gen. Loring never married. Searching for a Final Resting Place It was not long before a committee was formed to bring Gen. Loring home to his adopted home of St. Augustine. His remains were brought to the city for burial at Woodland Cemetery, and on March 19, 1887, the Florida Times-Union of Jacksonville reported the activities of the previous day: “One of the most striking features of the parade was the fraternizing of the veterans of both armies. The Jacksonville Post of the Grand Army of the Republic went to St. Augustine as the guests of the Jacksonville Camp of Confederate Veterans. After arriving they were joined by a number of other veterans, and at an impromptu meeting . . . it was decided that instead of maintaining separate organizations, they should march in the procession with the Confederates and the Federals, two and two, arm in arm . . . It was a genuine union of the Blue and the Gray, and was accepted as a symbol of a reunited people. It was felt, too, to be peculiarly appropriate that such a fraternization should occur at the grave of General Loring – who had been a soldier of the [Northern] Republic as well as the [Confederate Republic].” The General’s longtime friend from the battles of 1861 and 1862, Rev. Dr. Charles Todd, read the Episcopal burial service. While this was read, an officer unsheathed and broke one of Gen. Loring’s swords, casting all into the grave. A final artillery and musket salute was fired by the assembled cadets. In 1920, the Anna Dummett Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy and the Gen. Loring Chapter of the Children of the Confederacy, both of St. Augustine, began their campaign to establish a downtown memorial to Gen. Loring. The plot at the corner of Cordova and King Streets, formerly known as Post Office Square, was acquired from the federal government with private funds raised by those organizations. On July 6, 1920, Gen. Loring’s remains were placed beneath the site, now designated as the garden of the Government House. A week later a tall obelisk was erected above his remains, and dedicated on December 30th. Sources: W.W. Loring, Florida’s Forgotten General, James W. Raab, Sunflower University Press, 1996. WIKI, accessed 8.22.20
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